Social reasoning and Snapchat Website created with peers Caroline Contento and Olivia Faligario; Made with Adobe Express Website created with peers Caroline Contento and Olivia Faligario; Made with Adobe Express
Website created with Google Sites discussing Family Bonds and its relationship with technology
Human Resources Management For this project, I researched some of the major uses and benefits of AI as well as the major harms, or things
Technology can be designed to reinforce family bonds in extended families. However, there are limitations to technology aiding family bonds. There have been breakthroughs, like Facetime, group calendars, and even social media however these come with limitations. Designing technology to reinforce family bonds in extended families rather than breaking them requires careful consideration of the needs and dynamics of these families (ChatGPT). To design technology that is inclusive to extended families we need to consider inclusivity, shared experiences, and connectivity.
How technology is and could be designed to reinforce family bonds in my extended family instead of breaking them. Technology can be designed to reinforce