Personal Logo

Art has always been a part of my life. With my grandfather and mother being artists, being creative and artistic was encouraged from a young age. Art allowed me to be myself and to explore any and every idea I’ve had no matter how weird or seemingly unattainable. I started seriously getting into art in my senior year of high school however I focused more on mixed media pieces. Now my focus is more on new media and digital art making as I feel the possibilities are completely endless. I grew up in Cape Cod, Massachusetts so I spent a lot of time outside and at the beach. My parents also took us camping each year. This grew my love and appreciation for the outdoors and have made it a big part of my life now that I am older.

For my logo, I chose to create a tree scene with a sunrise in a circle. I am a very outdoors-oriented person. The earth and nature mean a lot to be and create a sense of harmony, given the trees in this logo. It is important for me to feel grounded and one with my surroundings, especially nature. I believe without harmony we cannot live our lives to their fullest potential because we are not interacting with the earth and nature in the most efficient way. Another aspect of this logo is the sunrise. Sunrises represent new beginnings and second chances. Sunrises bring a new day which can create second chances and new possibilities. Sunrises may be cliche and simple but personally, they hold a lot of meaning. First, they remind us of the beauty within and the beauty that surrounds us. They also emphasize uniqueness, as they are never the same. Uniqueness is important to remember because personally I have a strong fear of not belonging and uniqueness is a gentle reminder that we don’t always have to fit in or belong, but we just have to co-exist with our surroundings, like in nature.

The last aspect of my logo is the word “eco-libriam”. I’ve spoken about being one with nature and also those that surround you, so I came up with a logo name that I feel embodies these values. “Eco” is earth and not only being one with nature but being respectful to nature and what mother nature has provided us with. “Librium” is from the word “equilibrium” which is to feel balanced and whole. This part of the word represents my need to feel a sense of belonging and also equity. Equity is very important for me, and I feel that given the chance all beings should have the same chances and be treated the same. Making up this word kind of brought my logo together as I struggled because there were so many important things that I felt should be added but this helped me focus on two while incorporating smaller ideals into my logo. 

Some More Projects

Layers Of Me

A bust made out of Magazine pages, hot glue and tape on construction paper.